



Hi hi! I'm Leaf also known as Tu Sicaria, I'm a mexican top player, the best with Peach and Bayonetta in fact, known for having one of the most aggressive and fast paced playstyles, so I can help you succeed even with an unorthodox playstyle for your character :) I've been playing Peach since I have memory and I've been playing Bayo since she released so I can help you improve to play as/or against them.

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In Deph Peach Master class

I'll guide you step by step to understand how to play this character and give you tips and tricks to make the learning curve easier

1 Session 1 hour
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First to ten

We play a first to 10 and then I'll give you feedback on things I noticed

1 Session 30 mins
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In Deph Bayonetta Master class

I'll guide you step by step to understand how to play this character and give you tips and tricks to make the learning curve easier

1 Session 1 hour
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Live coaching

I'll point out weaknesses and opportunities you show in your gameplay as we play

1 Session 1 hour
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Vod Review

I'll watch and analyse a set of yours and guide you to identify and understand what you did wrong, what you did good and stuff that could have happened

1 Session 30 mins

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