



Hello! I'm known as Vendetta and I am currently the #1 dual Shoto (Ryu/Ken) main in the world. With consistent placings at my locals/regionals, I have wins on players such as Kola, Fatality, Goblin, Light, WaDi, RFang, ScAtt and many more! Did I mention I got top 8 at my very first Ultimate major?! That's right! Glitch Infinite was my first Ultimate major that I attended and I placed 7th! I'm ready to spread my knowledge not only with these characters, but the game itself! I won't let you down!

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Learning the Ryu/Ken Matchup

With this lesson, I will be teaching you every little knick and knack of the matchup. How to DI certain things, where to exploit the shotos in neutral, advantage and disadvantage state, and even the correct SDI methods to ensure success of avoiding their combos. Everything will be covered!

1 Session 1 hour
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Practice with Vendetta

Simple! We'll play for the duration of the event and I will be personally giving advice on your gameplay and answer any questions you may have.

1 Session 1 hour
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Shotos 101

This lesson will dive into the importance of neutral and how to properly utilize/apply it. We will also implement areas of gameplay such as footsies, microspacing and much more! Shoto's are specifically designed to be played with discipline so learning the proper usage of neutral will ensure maximum success with them. This lesson also applies to any character in the game! I will go over EVERYTHING!

1 Session 1 hour
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Learning the Kazuya Matchup

I will be teaching you everything from scratch! Examples include: How to approach the Matchup Neutral How to properly escape combos How to effectively camp Juggling DI routes and Much more! Its a deal you definitely do NOT want to pass up!

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review

You may send any set (Best of 3/Best of 5) or up to 3 games that I can look over. As I'm analyzing, I will be looking for things such as habits, execution errors and specific patterns that you may have not noticed in your gameplay. Along with how to approach different scenarios/interactions differently that would greatly benefit you.

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review

Replay Review for your gameplay. Tournament sets or even casual games, I'll add comments with timestamps on every significant area of your matches to ensure deep, meaningful understandings of every accountable interaction. This will elevate your gameplay to an entirely new level!

1 Session 1 hour
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Learning the Terry Matchup

I will be teaching you everything from scratch on how to counter Terry! Examples include: Neutral SDI routes How to effectively camp Edgeguarding Juggling Definitely a deal you don't want to pass up!

1 Session 1 hour
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1:1 live session

1:1 live session

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review

We will be reviewing your matches! Whether it be from friendlies or tournament matches, I will do my absolute best go over them. Deciphering habits, over extensions to your opponents habits and what you could've done better in specific scenarios, I will cover it all. It can be a total of 3 games. More if there is more time.

2 Sessions 1 hour
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Learn the Ryu/Ken Matchup

I go over every little knick and knack the matchup has to offer. From how to counter the shotos in the most optimal fashions to knowing how to escape certain combos with the proper SDI/DI! How to effectively exploit the shotos weaknesses within disadvantage state/recovery to the proper stage select options for your character in the matchup.

1 Session 1 hour
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Games with Vendetta

We'll play games for the duration of the session. After every game, I will give you in depth advice on what it is that you can improve and how to properly implement it. I'll answer any and every question you have for me.

1 Session 1 hour
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The Akuma Package

This will be a package deal! Whether you want to pick up and learn Ryu, the world warrior or learn Ken Master's himself! I will dedicate myself to teaching you these characters from scratch! Day 1: Combos Neutral Day 2: Advantage State Disadvantage State Day 3: Advanceded Techniques Stage Selection Day 4: Recap and Analysis It will be listed as an hour on Metafy but in reality will be a 4 day training period which consists of 1 hour each day with nothing but nonstop dedication. We will discuss what days and times will be best for you and move on from there. For those interested in picking up the shotos, this is a phenomenal package you won't want to pass up!

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Hungry Wolf Package

This will be a package deal! If you want to pick up Terry Bogard himself, I will dedicate myself to teaching you this character from scratch! Day 1: Combos Neutral Day 2: Advantage State Disadvantage State Day 3: Advanceded Techniques Stage Selection Day 4: Recap and Analysis It will be listed as an hour on Metafy but in reality will be a 4 day training period which consists of 1 hour each day with nothing but nonstop dedication. We will discuss what days and times will be best for you and move on from there. For those interested in picking up the Legendary Wolf himself, this is a phenomenal package you won't want to pass up!

4 Sessions 4 hours
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First to 10!🔥

A first to 10 with the world's best Shoto! After words, I'll be giving you advice on any habits and mistakes you may need to improve on. You may ask as many questions as you'd like as well.

2 Sessions 1 hour
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The Mishima Package

This training plan is for the one and only Kazuya Mishima! This will be learning the character from scratch. Everything you'll need to learn will be included in this package. We'll be meeting once a week with the following: Day 1: Moveset Explanation & Neutral Day 2: Advantage State & Disadvanatge State Day 3: Advanced Techniques & Stage Selection Day 4: Recap & Analysis

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Smash 101

With this training plan we will be dissecting the fundamentals of smash ultimate!

2 Sessions 1 hour
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Matchup Knowledge & Discussion

Whether it'd be for the Shotos, Terry or any matchup in the game, we will be discussing matchups with the proper counterplay and understanding of each. We will thoroughly discuss the neccesary gameplans and neutral thats most applicable. Theorycrafting and questions throughout the entire session are encouraged so please consider this plan!

1 Session 1 hour
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1 Month of Personal Coaching

This will be a month of personal coaching! We will meet up once a week. Whether you are a competitive player that attends tournaments or simply a casual player that wants to improve for fun, you've found the right place! Depending on where I feel you'll need to improve and polish, this training plan includes the following: Neutral Habits and Pattern Recognition VOD Review Matchup Discussion Mentality Everything you need for your personal coaching is all here!

5 Sessions 5 hours

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