


6 followers 1 following

My name is AndrewT and I am a ZSS main, and former Ness main. I have been playing competitive Smash since 2015 in Smash 4, and in my last active season I was ranked #3 in Ohio. I completed my Bachelors degree in Industrial Engineering, but my passion is in competitive Smash, as well as content creation. Most content that I do involves improvement of some sort in Smash Ultimate, and with my years of experience I hope to help others with the same passion to improve their own gameplay.

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Live 1-on-1 Session

Your choice of live VOD reviews, mentality coaching, or any questions about matchups, neutral or any other aspect of the game!

1 Session 1 hour
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Recorded VOD review + Analysis

Analysis with detailed notes on any particular set from your perspective.

1 Session 1 hour
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First to 5!

First to 5 games online!

1 Session 30 mins
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FREE Introductory Session

This session will help give an idea on what we will go over during the full session and how we will go about moving forward. We will be discussing long term goals as well as getting to know each other! This session can take up to 30 mins and should be scheduled without scheduling a full session, we will discuss scheduling for a full session during this introduction!

1 Session 30 mins

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