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I believe Robin is HIGHLY slept on because when you make the right plays/reads this character can become a threat. I’ve been playing Robin ever since the game came out and at first I started out as playing him for fun nothing serious but then I started competing and going to locals and won a few. Then during quarantine I entered a lottttttt of wifi tourneys and that’s pretty much how my name blew up I was beating a ton of top players online with Robin! It’s possible, you just have to put in the work! I became #1 In my region (Albany NY) and #13 on the WWR (wifi world ranking) pretty much the highest ranking robin online.I also have done really well at some super stacked offline events such as SSC 2022 and LMBM 2022. It’s hard to go to events because I have a full time job but i’m still trying to make it work and at least get top 8 at a major or possibly even win one as Robin and with my help you will be able to do the same (: As a coach I will you everything I need to know about Robin, and teach you how to keep your cool mentally when competing. I’ll be 1000000% honest I don’t have that much coaching experience but when It comes to giving advice and telling you what u need to work on or even just playing you and seeing what u did wrong in our set I will tell you! My biggest thing that I’m gonna be nonstop teaching you about with Robin is working on ur disadvantage and advantage! Trust me, It’s a game changer once u get better at them 2 things alone. From an average session from me you can expect me to help you Vod review, Plsy you in Robin dittos or any other character you request, and any other advice on how to get better I won’t hesitate to give advice. I hope you book me and if not u can always just dm me on discord or twitter asking what u can do to become better as a Robin player and just better in general at this game. (:

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Play friendlies with me and I’ll give you advice on what u need to work on in the matchup or what u need to do better as if your using Robin. Am willing to voice chat in discord as well during this whole session (:

1 Session 1 hour
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Play me in a FT10 and try to beat me if you can. After we can talk about the set and I’ll give advice in vc or in dms or you can give me some!

1 Session 2 hours
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Beginner Robin lessons

Those who are new with Robin or just picking him up I’ll go over the basics on what u need to know!

1 Session 1 hour
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Live Vod Review

Show me a vod of you winning/losing in a set or friendlies and I’ll give you my best advice in what u should have done to play better.

1 Session 1 hour
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$5 best of 5

Play me in a quick best of 5! Willing to give advice in vc after the set.

1 Session 30 mins
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Play me In a FT5! Will be giving advice after in vc or in DMS.

1 Session 1 hour
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Arc fire opponents at ledge vs dealing with Arc fire at ledge.

Probably the most asked question I get is how do you deal with arc fire at ledge I’ll teach you everything I know on how to play around it and ledge trap opponents yourself with it!

1 Session 1 hour
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Combos with Robin

I will teach you a lot of useful combos as Robin that will make it easier to rack up damage or even get early stocks especially since Robin is a very explosive character!

1 Session 1 hour
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Making your Robin godlike

Wanna make ur Robin sick?? This plan will teach you the basics about Robin then will turn your Robin Into a BEAST. At the end of this plan your gonna be like “wtfff” Yea Ik, your movement is gonna be insane and you will win A LOT more games with Robin. You will also get alot better with your item game and discards because I know a lot of people wanna get more consistent at doing it. Any mistakes or sloppy habits you also are trying to fix ?? This plan will cover it with vod reviews it even replays as well of u have any. (:

6 Sessions 6 hours

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