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League of Legends
League of Legends
5 Sessions 7.5 hours $110

[EXPERT] Road to 1,000 LPs (soloQ)

I will help you become the best version of yourself in soloQ. We will go through mental issues, difficulties, gameplay issues and a lot more to make sure in a week you end up as a completely different player than you were before.

Sessions Overview

Morning review

1.5 hours

we will meet every morning to check how you did the previous day, see if you followed the rules and will review one of your games (scrims/comp/soloQ) to see where you lack knowledge to make sure you can improve in that regard.

Meeting w/ student and setting up goals

1.5 hours

I will give you a document with rules to follow personnalized based on the type of player you are so that we make sure your daily goals will be reached every day.

Morning review 3

1.5 hours

Morning review 4

1.5 hours

Morning review 2

1.5 hours

we will meet every morning to check how you did the previous day, see if you followed the rules and will review one of your games (scrims/comp/soloQ) to see where you lack knowledge to make sure you can improve in that regard.

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.