Become a Great Ball supporter! This is the bottom tier for supporting the channel and getting a sneak peek at weekly content. - Weekly Video explaining the plan for the week and recapping last week.
Exclusive benefits
Recommended tier
Become an Ultra Supporter! This will give you exclusive access to some areas in Discord as well as a shoutout in all video credits! - YouTube Credits: Get your name added to the YouTube credits for all future videos! - Exclusive Discord Role: Provides access to new Discord Role, which opens up a new area and channels -Plus All Previous Rewards
Exclusive benefits
Become a Quick Ball Supporter! Get quarterly mail and friends list access! - Quarterly Mail: Every 3 months you can expect a personalized thank you note the may contain a special surprise (such as stickers, TCG Cards, or more!) - Friend List Spot: Access to my Friends list on Switch, Pokemon Go, Pokemon TCG Pocket, and other Pokemon games! - Plus All Previous Rewards
Exclusive benefits
Reach the Dusk Ball Supporter! This will provide you with a yearly gift, VIP, and more! - Yearly Gift: Seasonal Gifts sent out for the holidays to show thanks for going above and beyond! This gift will include exclusive merch and more! - VIP Access: VIP flair will be provided on all possible platforms - Plus All Previous Rewards
Exclusive benefits
Become a Master Ball Supporter! This allows you bragging rights and more! - Bragging Role: Exclusive role in Discord for bragging rights - Bigger Credit Shoutout: Receive a bigger shoutout at the end of videos for going above and beyond! - More coming soon!!! - Plus All Previous Rewards
Exclusive benefits