



Started playing Halo when I was around 8 years old thanks to H2 being on the Xbox at the local GAME store - been hooked ever since. Started competition in 2015 with Halo 5 and consistently placed at the top for the entire 3 year run the game had. My passion for helping others has been instilled into me as I know from experience that it can be difficult improving at something without a mentor. My lesson plans will be in depth and will quickly seek out what your strengths and weaknesses are - weather it be positioning around your team, movement, aim etc. Thanks for checking out my profile and I hope you find what you are looking for!

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VOD Review

Live 1 on 1 VOD review with yours truly. VOD Review is an excellent way to see how you play, which will help me figure out what your strengths/weaknesses are as a player. Having questions/an idea on what you need to improve on will be a bonus.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Play Ranked w/ Me

I will play on an alt account and play and act like we were playing in a high level environment. This will help you build confidence and learn what it the standards of a competitive player should be. Some players could benefit from this instead of doing the VOD review, just pick your poison!

1 Session 1 hour
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Get me to Onyx

Hard stuck Plat 6 with no end in sight? Worry no more, this is your one stop to getting that shiny Onyx badge and respect from your peers alike.

3 Sessions 3 hours

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