


6 followers 1 following

I have mained and mastered Enhancement Shaman for multiple years and offer detailed coaching ranging from in-depth gameplay/vod/log analysis for experienced Enhancement Shamans, or beginner friendly Enhance coaching where I can explain the basics of the spec, talent selections, simplify rotations and more! All of the above can be done via Call/Screensharing or through DM's on discord: buckit123 Flexibility can also be arranged through discord.

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Enhancement main for top 2 day guild world <Pescorus> Message me on discord for more info/flexibility ->


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Beginner Friendly Session

A session for new/beginner Enhancement Shamans aimed at helping you grasp the basics of the spec, understanding talent trees/spells, simplifying the rotation into something more digestable.

1 Session 1 hour
Session cover image

Gameplay Analysis Session

Gameplay analysis (Logs/Vods) ideally done through screensharing where we can explore your rotation in-depth, and with application to raid/mythic+ bosses.

1 Session 1 hour
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Full Enhancement Session

2 Sessions 2 hours

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