


Hey! My name is Busse, I'm 22, and I have been playing Rocket League competitively now for 3.5 years. I started playing the game seriously in the Spring of 2019 when I started in CRL. Since then, I have gone from a Champ player to a 3x SSL, as well as having many achievements in Collegiate such as being a CRL Worlds Finalist and more. Also I am in the bubble scene. As an aspiring pro, I have been in your shoes and can not only give you help in the game, but also tips mentally to succeed. I have over 7000 hours in Rocket League, so with all that experience I can certainly help any player trying to improve. Feel free to view some of my achievements listed below :)

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This session is for mainly wanting to go over some of your replays and giving you my feedback and advice (suggested for new users)

1 Session 30 mins
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Full Package

This session is where I will go over replays, answer all your questions, and give you tons of way you can improve your game and mentality.

1 Session 1 hour

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