CLASIA's Community

Pro CS player, NA ECL player since 2020 with teams such as Secret Club, RBG/Carpe Diem/EG Black, Strife, Nouns & Yur.

About me

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About me

Pro CS player, NA ECL player since 2020 with teams such as Secret Club, RBG/Carpe Diem/EG Black, Strife, Nouns & Yur.

  • Location EDT
  • Joined
Frequently asked questions

What role do you mainly play?

From 2020-2023 I played an extremity lurk on T side while on CT side I mainly played rotator positions. For the last 2 years I've mainly focused on playing "star" positions on CT, while for T side I played lurk for majority of maps.

Why aren't you on a team?

Mainly attitude issue, I've struggled with tilt throughout the years of playing CS.


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