


22 followers 8 following

As the top coach on Metafy, I've been privileged to work with an array of players, from beginners eager to refine their foundational skills to seasoned competitors seeking that extra edge in their gameplay. My coaching philosophy revolves around personalized, results-oriented sessions tailored to each individual's unique playstyle and learning curve. My approach blends in-depth knowledge of Apex Legends' mechanics with a keen understanding of the intricacies of aiming precision and fluid movement. I've dedicated myself to staying at the forefront of the game's meta, constantly refining and adapting strategies to ensure that my coaching remains relevant and impactful in a constantly evolving gaming landscape. What truly sets my coaching apart is the emphasis on creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment. I prioritize open communication, patience, and constructive feedback, fostering an atmosphere where players feel empowered to push their boundaries and unlock their full potential. From optimizing sensitivity settings to mastering advanced movement techniques, my coaching sessions are comprehensive, aiming not just to enhance skills but to instill confidence and a deeper understanding of the game. Together, we'll navigate the intricacies of aim and movement in Apex Legends, transforming weaknesses into strengths and propelling your performance to extraordinary levels.

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Train in the Range

1v1 in the range - practice that gunny - sharpen the tooly

1 Session 30 mins
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Team Ranked

Rank Up with me and another student practicing mechanics/team synergy/communication

1 Session 1.5 hours
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One on One Pro Player Coaching

Professional Coaching for 1 hour - vod reviews or public matches.

1 Session 1 hour
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Rank Up

New? Bring a friend! I will help you personally climb the ranks. I might bring another pro player, who knows?

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Pro Competitive Coaching

Competitive coaching! ill coach ur actualy competitive team and help in game with macro/micro during scrims / tournaments. the best way to get better and see yourself actually improve in competitive

1 Session 3 hours

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