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League of Legends
League of Legends
3 Sessions 1.5 hours $10

Lets-Try-Not-To-Suck Plan

Learning basic Objectives, Slangs, Skill sets, and more.

Sessions Overview

Level 1

30 minutes

Get into a call watch me play one game and teach basic objectives, slang, and types of champions Learning champions -roles -different styles (Offensive or Defensive) -skill sets Learning Objectives -Towers -Nexsus Learning Items -building

Level 2

30 minutes

We play together. Ask you which role you're interested in. Learning Priorities -Objectives over kills or vise versa -Dragons over Towers Learning how to pick fights -learning when to go in or when to run Learning Map awareness -learning how to avoid ganks or how to assist ganks. -learning where to be at a certain time -you'll need it

Level 3

30 minutes

I watch you play. Teach you how to learn furthur on your own without needing a coach. -Learning Rotation -Learning Team Communication -Learning game Mentality

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