



I'm a Challenger support that has been in the top NA ladder for about 4 seasons now! I can help you learn about every support champion in the game and how you should be piloting your champion. Regardless of your League of Legends experience, I will be here to help you reach your aspirations as a player!

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Learn How a Challenger Player Thinks

In real time, we will go over a game and the fundamentals that should come to mind when playing League and review the game to solidify your knowledge of the game!

1 Session 1 hour
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Consolidate League Fundamentals

I will teach you how to think from a coach's standpoint and the way to be a better coach for yourself!

1 Session 1 hour
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Advanced Fundamentals

For this lesson plan, we will be going over every support subclass and all of their roles in game. Classifying champions into different categories creates gameplay patterns that are much easier to learn! We will go over key concepts important in all phases of the game including laning phase, mid game and late game. These tips and tricks will help you figure out what to look to do in games where you really don't understand what you are supposed to be doing. I recommend this to any player; Iron player or Diamond player. It's always a good idea to touch up on match-ups and fundamental in game concepts!

3 Sessions 3 hours

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