Get a full month schedule of whatever you want to improve on, whether that would be a vod review, playing me, or just talking with me and theorycrafting! This is your month to improve and focus on the stuff you want to talk about most!
Sessions Overview
Week 1 Session
1 hour
You can play me, watch vods with me, theorycraft with me, anything that you think would help you get better!
Week 3 Session
1 hour
You can play me, watch vods with me, theorycraft with me, anything that you think would help you get better!
Week 2 Session
1 hour
You can play me, watch vods with me, theorycraft with me, anything that you think would help you get better!
Week 4 Session
1 hour
You can play me, watch vods with me, theorycraft with me, anything that you think would help you get better!