Dr. Kirb

Dr. Kirb


6 followers 1 following

Hello! I am Dr. Kirb, a pleasure to meet anyone who reads my page and is interested in my coaching services! I am a Falco main who has actively been competing since 2022 and is largely considered the best Falco player on WiFi! I have achieved notable online wins on players such as Vendetta, Nair^ Xerzal, Moxi, Hungrybox, and so much more! I have yet to play offline, but no amount of traveling will remove my experience as a player and all the knowledge I've learned from WiFi Smash! When it comes to my coaching, asking questions (both to you as your coach and to me as the student) is especially helpful in understanding each student's need for improvement. We take our lessons slowly as I look into how you play as a competitor to figure out the best ways that I can help improve your play. I cater to the needs of how a player learns. Whether through written notes, games on WiFi, visual presentations, or a mix of all three, I am great at helping players based on their learning styles. As a Falco main, I specialize in coaching players on how to play as and against Falco. However, I can help any player by figuring out matchups through my high-level VOD review and theory crafting with my immense knowledge of this game. I have coached a variety of players in terms of their skill level. From beginners picking up Falco; to Power Ranked players like Xerzal (#1 Alabama) and Twitchy (#10 South Carolina), I can coach any skill level! If you have any questions regarding my coaching, contact me on Discord (dr.kirb) or Twitter (dr_kirbashima). I would be happy to answer them! I hope you consider me as a coach in the future and we get along well! For more information about me as a player, refer to the Smashdata and SmashWiki links below: https://smashdata.gg/smash/ultimate/player/Dr.%20Kirb?id=2068699 https://www.ssbwiki.com/Smasher:Dr._Kirb

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Vs. Falco

In this lesson, I cover how to fight against Falco! I would recommend booking more than one lesson for more details.

1 Session 1 hour
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Mentality Advice

In this lesson, we get into a Discord call and discuss your mentality when it comes to playing inside of bracket. From that discussion, I will give you advice on how to handle your mentality in whatever situation you feel needs worked on.

1 Session 30 mins
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Falco Fundamentals

In this lesson, I'll cover you the basics of how to improve as a Falco player. If you are not sure what to improve on as a Falco main, I would highly suggest picking this lesson.

1 Session 1 hour

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