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Learn to think like an Onyx Player in 4 sessions!

4 Sessions 4 hours $170

I always try to teach the thought process and decision making behind plays and general concepts in Halo rather than hard rules or general ways to play the game. If you have good decision making you can make the right play in any scenario, and in 4 sessions you will get the framework needed to think like an onyx player.

Sessions Overview

VOD Review

1 hour

After the game time, we can VOD review and I can point out the things you need to work on.

Game Time

1 hour

We'll play arena or 1v1 again and allow you to work on the things we talked about in theory and actually apply them to the game.

Game Time

1 hour

Ill play a hour with you and observe how you play and get a feel of what your strengths/weaknesses are to work on later.

VOD Review

1 hour

Finally we end with a vod review after repeating the process twice and by then you should have the tools required to reach the next level, or we can keep repeating till you get there

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