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DESTROY the Voltaic benchmarks (CELESTIAL SPEEDRUN)

2 Sessions 2 hours $45

A long term training plan spread out amongst 2 sessions each week that focuses on Season 3 and Season 4 Voltaic benchmarks that allow you to speedrun the ranks. I will also keep record of all students and see who is the fastest Voltaic benchmark speedrunner. 1st place becomes the real edward

Sessions Overview

Week 2 - Maintenance work, increasing difficulty and finding new scenarios

1 hour

These subsequent lessons are used to find any weaknesses and turn them into strengths. I will make sure that the form is being applied correctly aswell as progression happening as efficiently as possible.

Week 1 - Finding and configuring appropriate challenge

1 hour

Some critiquing of form but mostly focusing on configuring a spreadsheet tailored to your needs that allows for progressive overload.

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