


Hi I am Joe, I have been playing games competitively for a very long time. I started out in WoW and moved to LoL/CSGO and Dota2 but eventually found myself back to playing WoW again. I always seem to find myself in a leadership role, GM or RL in WoW, team captain in LoL/Dota 2 and IGL for my CSGO teams. With that role I have taken teams to the top or at least higher than the avg ranking. You can find me at the social links listed here, I stream all my wow raids on Twitch and upload all my boss kills to my Youtube channel. CSGO I am IGL/Support and sit in GE for MM, rank 10 on faceit and used to be A+ ESEA before pugs died there. Lead a team from Open to Main Playoffs, finishing top 8 in IM playoffs and winning prize money. Dota 2 I am a Hard Support or pos 5 player and although I have not lead a team in a tournament for Dota I still climbed to Immortal playing this role in solo queue match making. Any dota player knows getting to Immortal is hard enough but doing it as a pos 5 adds that little bit extra. Let me show you what position attitude and good support gameplay can do for a team. WoW I played as kid and quit in college for the other games listed above but I have returned and quickly went from a nobody at the end of BFA to a top US guild that gets HoF each tier and pushes M+ for high IO scores. That being said I play Boomkin and primarily put all my effort into that one spec and want to share what I have done with others to help them achieve the same.

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WOTLK Disc Priest

Playing wow classic as a disc priest? Want to understand how to never go oom on boss fights? Want to just understand why shielding the raid is so strong? I can show you how and explain the playstyle and go over gearing with you to become the best disc priest possible.

1 Session 1 hour
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CSGO Lessons

Providing basic assistance with play. From IGL standpoint, when to execute, what nades to have and how/when to peak or hold. General gameplay mechanics and understanding will be covered. Economy basics and when to force/save. I will also answer any questions you may have and assist with IGL tips I used when leading my team.

1 Session 1 hour
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M+ Boomkin

Interested in pushing higher keys? I can show you what I know about keys, groups and routes as a boomkin! Learn when to use CDs in a premade group vs a pug. I will share spec options and playstyles, along with what it takes to get into higher keys and push your m+/raider io score.

1 Session 1 hour
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WOTLK Ret/Holy Paladin

Trying to become a better Ret Paladin? Tired of being lumped in with all the other random bad rets? I can show you macros and priority in your rotation along with some valuable spreadsheets that cover gearing choices and how to do the most damage possible. Likewise with holy, want to solo heal boss fights? Or just learn to be a better hpal? I can show you how I do it and cover gearing choices along with who and when to cast spells on, how to do damage while healing and still be hitting the top of the meters for healing.

1 Session 1 hour
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MM Hunter Raiding

I play MM Hunter as an alt and believe I know a decent amount to cover some of the basics for the class. Rotation and when to use CDs, defensives.

1 Session 1 hour
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Raiding as a Boomkin

I will cover all the specs and talents for Boomie in raid. We will go over those specs and talent choices as well. We will cover rotation from opener to fillers to when to use CDs. Macros and other tips and tricks. We will go over each fight from a Boomie perspective and I will answer any questions you may have.

1 Session 1 hour
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Hard Support Coaching

We will go over the lane phase. Stacking and pulling creeps, when and why. We will go over match ups and common things that happen. I play most if not all the position 5 heroes and will answer any questions you may have. Learn itemization and what to do in certain matchups. Climb rank faster then ever before!

1 Session 1 hour

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