



FR/ ENG Hello my name is Adil Maufroid better known as elemeNt Currently Assistant Coach in tier1 for BBL ESPORT I've been playing FPS for a long time i have 12 years of experience on Counter Strike as player, and I've been coaching for 3 years now in Valorant as professional Head Coach Becoming a professional player is not easy that's why there are different stages to follow, but also a lot of discipline and study I could help you on the different points to evolve my assets are that I will be able to properly explain to you how to evolve individually but also strategically I easily transmit my experience I work with many different profiles and I adapt very easily I quickly discern your weaknesses to make it a strength we can’t be perfect on all points, but I will upgrade you so that you can achieve any goal whether you are an amateur or a confirmed professional player. What you can learn from my sessions ⮕ How to position yourself at the beginning and middle of the round (Any roles) ⮕ Learn precisely how to develop your game sense ⮕ Crosshair Placement ⮕ Advanced Fundamentals ⮕ Aim & Mechanics ⮕ Lurk & Rotations (Enormously of players struggle on their way of lurk I can teach you the different stages and on the fact of being less obvious on what you do on the map) ⮕ I can create you different routine on all points, so you can be complete ⮕ Adopt the right mindset to reach the top ⮕ Understand your roles on all maps according to meta and strategy ⮕ IGL > Make you evolve on your calling and teach you to have a better reading of games taking into account all the important details ⮕ Economy / ultimate ⮕ How to watch a vod (A large percentage of amateur or professional players watch a vod and do not see the key points or do not understand certain situations, I can teach you this) ⮕ Conditioning & Info Denial ⮕ Protocol & Reaction ⮕ And much more !

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🐉 Teach me any agent !

I teach you the basics with an agent and the impact you must have in your game and the goal of it and a bunch of line up that goes with, I will also teach you what you can offer at the call and specific level with the ultimate.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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I watch the vod with you or your team we notify the standard point >communication>setup>Adaptation>reaction>After plant>Management of the economy and ultimate we make a point detail on the points to improve, and I will also help you to improve your game plan via valoplant and probably offline custom.

1 Session 1 hour
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In this pack we play a pracc, and then we do the vod review to target the important details I will guide you on how much you need to focus, because I will have already watched a vod review to assess your weaknesses, and you give everyone a goal of the day for an efficient and productive evolution.

1 Session 2.5 hours
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🚀Free introduction !

We can join on discord and discuss targeting on which point you want to evolve and what is your goal. I will do a precise job to meet your expectations by offering you the best adapted service. Discord : elemeNt#5275

1 Session 30 minutes
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🔴 LIVE COACHING - You play ranked

You’ll have to add me on discord element#5275 and you will have to make me a screen share so that I can see your perspective I will then tell you your mistakes whatever human or in game but not only more detail in the introductory call

1 Session 1 hour
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🧠 How to become a good IGL Basic / High lvl

A good leader is someone who will carry the responsibility as a captain in a team either as a human or in game, he must have necessary qualities to bring his team to the top, that’s why he must have some quality and know what he must work on. This is where I intervene >In these lessons, I teach you how to call according to the different comp with meta or without & and the different map >The training adopted according to the economy as well as the ultimate >Protocol & Reaction >I teach you to raise your adaptation and your reading of games call in a less robotic way, many player does not like autopilot as IGL you also had to adapt to the profile in your team to best exploit your synergy and your firepower >I will teach you how to create your identity as a team and explain why it is necessary >I will teach you to prepare your official matches, as well as your calls without relaying everything on the anti strat >And more than in our free consultation

1 Session 2 hours
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Bootcamp - No limit for 1 month

Unlimited Coaching 2 people per month only

2 Sessions 2 hours
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Fundamentals Book by elemeNt

More information in the introductory call

2 Sessions 2 hours

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