

Hello, my name is Elliot and I've been playing amongst the best players in the world for the last 2 years in the Overwatch League. Some notable teams I've been on: Paris Eternal, Washington Justice, Team Envy and Angry Titans. I'm currently taking a break from competing due to a wrist injury that I have, in the meantime I would like to teach others the knowledge that I have gathered from playing at the highest level from the last couple of years. Whether you would like to go pro or just improve in ranked/quick play I can help you in both situations because they are vastly different. Things we will work on together: VOD reviews, meta understanding, what your role on the team should be, positioning and mechanics. Work with me and you only have a 50% chance of regretting it! 😎

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Team VOD review

Send me a VOD of your team and I will analyze it and prepare for our session. During the scheduled hour I will walk through an easy to understand gameplan on how the team could improve.

1 Session 1 hour
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1:1 live session

We will look through a VOD or replay code together and I will tell you how to improve.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Live Coaching

I will be participating in one of your scrims giving feedbacks from what I see

1 Session 2 hours

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