

Hey there! I used to play professionally in European regional leagues for 5 years in Turkey, Spain, Germany and other countries. I also reached challenger for 6 seasons straight. This year I swapped to support and managed to get challenger there aswell. I've played against all the pro's in SoloQ including Faker / Caps / Gumayusi etc. In my coaching, apart from obviously focusing on the game, we will be talking a lot about the mental aspects of League: LoL is a long-term game where your true ranking only shows after a number of games. With the right mentality you will have a way easier time climbing and have a lot more fun doing it. With that being said, the fact that I am new at Metafy and not known within the coaching scene yet will also allow YOU to get the cheapest price possible. I know how you can stop making excuses and reach your goals in a productive way. Book a session today and let's start your progress together :)

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