


Hello there! I'm Ethan, an experienced Rocket League advocate with over 9000 hours playtime and 3 years coaching experience. If you'd like to identify and minimise mistakes, have a thorough understanding of Rocket League, and more importantly climb the ranked ladder, then you've come to the right place! Currently Rocket League coaching is my main focus, but previously studied Criminology, Policing and Investigation at university. I started Rocket League coaching by giving a few close friends some advice, suddenly realising my passion was in coaching. I've helped many teams and individuals from the ground up and watched them shine throughout the top ranks of Rocket League, and even some becoming semi-professional and professional players. I'm a very selfless and compassionate person, watching others succeed from my methods and advice truly brings me joy! My sessions benefit all types of learners, whether you thrive off interactive content or more note taking, my sessions cover all. As a competitive player, I've achieved SSL in multiple seasons, hitting 2K mmr which is a major milestone! With my own ranked experiences, I know how to climb the ranked ladder. My achievements within coaching first date back to RLCS X, coaching well known players such a Bluey, Calix and Tadpole, under the popular team name 'Triple Trouble'. Heading into the next season, I joined zerozeronation with Breezi, Hibbs and Flame, achieving two top 8 results and a top 6. RLCS 22-23 I coached Williams Resolve with Breezi, Flame and upcoming prodigy Noahsaki. Outside of RLCS, I coached at the CRL Worlds event in Dallas with Keele Esports, with us being the joint best European team attending the event. All of these above achievements I am exceptionally proud of, which I wouldn't change for the world. With these achievements in mind, my experiences can provide insight to improve your Rocket League gameplay. Whatever your goals may be within the game, I can guarantee with the content I provide you with, backed up with your own hard work and dedication, you can exceed your own expectations. My personal liquipedia page: Within my sessions, you can expect these points below to be delivered at a professional standard: -Personal advice (ranges from individual to individual for unique reasons) -Setting goals (short-long term, gives you something to work towards!) -Mechanical understanding (learning mechanics, and gradually learning how to master them) -Mentality coaching (it's not always your teammates fault!) -Positional guidance (being in the right place at the right time) -Rotational guidance (knowing when to half rotate or to full rotate) -Opponent thought process (how said opponent can get the ball around you, and how we can prevent this) If there are any inquiries surrounding my coaching, please reach out to me via my discord (Ethzn#2610) or my twitter (EthznRL). I hope to see you soon, take care!

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Written + Screenshot Replay Reviews

Replay reviews with screenshots + written reviews is the ultimate source of knowledge, as you'll see the game from my eyes.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team coaching live session

By choosing my team coaching live session, you will recieve a professional insight surrounding your gameplay, and a personalized development plan to skyrocket your team improvement. Identifying team strengths and weaknesses is a must, so everyone can thrive towards a common goal. Lets get to work!

1 Session 1 hour
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1 to 1 live session

To start off the session, we will have a chat for me to understand what you would like to accomplish from Rocket League, the level you feel you are at, and the positives and negatives of your gameplay from your perspective. We then will transition into reviewing a replay of yourself (being on console may be an issue, so be aware of that before you purchase my sessions!). I will then review your gameplay live, picking out issues backed up with solutions and specific training, simply helping you improve!

1 Session 1 hour
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Written Replay Review

Written replay reviews will consist of you sending me a replay file and I will analyse the replay with time-stamps. The notes will consist of pointers to what you can improve on, with valuable material in which you can practice.

1 Session 1 hour

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