Get me out of Elo Hell (£35 OFF!!) (Fundementals Training Camp)
$135 worth of session for only $100 so you are saving $35!! In this plan i will teach you the basic fundementals of valorant across a 1 month training camp. Building a solid base to work from is extremly important and with this training camp that is what i will provide you.
Sessions Overview
Mechanics lesson
1 hourThe first step to any FPS game, building a good foundation, teaching you how to warmup, deathmatch, peek, counter strafe properly and not panic crouch spray at every enemy you see!
Advanced Mechancis lesson
1 hourHere we will go more in depth on how to manipulate angles to take the best fights possible with the higest win %. We will also go into different ways in which you can peek angles to throw off your enemy
Master your main Agent on each map
1 hourHere we will choose your main agent and go across 3 maps together of your choice where we will find all the nerdy lineups and positions you can play to give you the advantage with your specifc agent in 90% of your duels. I know what is best to do on EVERY agent on EVERY map so any request for agent and map is possibe!
VOD Review (Benchamrks)
1 hourHere you will send me a vod of one of your recent ranked games with a score of 13-7 or closer where we will set out the benchmarks and find some kep areas of improvement which we can then go into more depth on in the later parts of the training camp!
VOD Review
1 hourHere as the final part of the fundementals training camp we will review back one of your recent games you have played and pick apart how you have imporved over the last month and find some things for you to focus on over the next month wher you will be seeing how far you can take your knowledge or moving onto the advanced training camp!