



Hello, my name is Jordi Bust, also known as Flawed. I am a Challenger jungler from the Netherlands and I have been playing competitive on pro/semi pro level for about 3-4 years now. I have worked/played with many different players and coaches in the past, all with varying achievements in the game. Whether it were complete rookies or people with LEC/Worlds experience, I have seen it all. Over the years I have gained a lot of experience by working together with all these people and I want to use my knowledge and experience to help you improve and get better at the game. While I do main jungle and it is the role I have the most knowledge about, I spend a lot of time playing/talking with very high level players/coaches from all roles and I am confident that my general game knowledge is very high, so feel free to contact/order me for coaching for all roles. One of my big strengths is theory crafting and having a strong read on the meta. The people that follow me on Twitter will already know this, but I spend a lot of time researching new builds/strategies. I talk/discuss about certain champs/builds/rune setups being very strong/hidden OP quite a lot, often weeks or even months before other people start doing it. I have always said work smarter not harder and I think this is one of the main ways you can create small, or in some cases very big advantages, just by playing certain champs, selecting the right runes or buying the correct items. I also think consistency is key if you want to climb/improve in League of Legends, so I will also teach you a lot about how to consistently perform well in game and set yourself or your team up for success. For jungle: One of my main strengths in the jungle is having very efficient and smart jungle pathing. I am mostly known for champs like Lee Sin, Udyr, Lillia, Graves, Nidalee, Hecarim and Kindred. While I can play/coach every single jungle style/champion at a Challenger level, if you are looking to get coaching for farming/carry junglers like Udyr/Lillia/Hecarim etc, I am 100% confident I am the right coach for you as I think this is the playstyle that I am one of the best at and I think I am one of the select few people that understand this playstyle at a high enough level to give you the best coaching. I am able to teach you the right foundation for this playstyle and teach you how you can get very high CS numbers, while still maintaining very high pressure on the map, which in result will consistently win you more games. I am also not very strict about time(unless I have something else planned). My priority is that we have a good and complete session and that you learn whatever you need to start improving/climbing.

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Verbal Session

During a verbal session we will be sitting in a call and be purely talking about the game. We can go over things like your op.gg, runes/items, matchups, meta reads, champion pools, upcoming changes or literally anything else related to the game. It all completely depends on what you want to talk about and want to learn about the game

1 Session 30 mins
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Live Coaching

During Live Coaching I will coach you while you play the game and we will review the game afterwards. It's very useful if you want to understand the thought process of Challenger players and what is important to think about during the game to carry your team(and yourself) to victory.

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review

During the VOD Review we will go over a replay from one of your games where you think you could learn a lot from. We will go in depth about anything, like runes, items, matchups, early laning/pathing and much more. Keep in mind that the replay has to be recorded from your POV and either be uploaded to Youtube or be a stream VOD so I can have access to the VOD

1 Session 1 hour

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