Community cover

FuerzaDON's Community

Welcome to FuerzaDON's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from FuerzaDON and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).

About me

Meet your Community host




About me

Best Shulk player in Mexico and considered one of the best Shulk of the world; 10+ years of experience, MY DON ACADEMIA's creator. I enjoy the game and meet new people. I have won many tournaments and gotten notable places in High level tournaments.

  • Location CST
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Frequently asked questions

How much experience do I need to take a lesson with you?

None. Any experience is welcome

I'm not main Shulk but want Shulk mu knowledge. Should I choice Shulk lesson?

Yes. Everything about Shulk is at Shulk Lesson

Are you solo Shulk?

No. I have my counterpicks and a good experience using many characters. My lesson aren't exclusive for Shulk and my counterpicks but also are general. My knowledge and experience obtained through many years let me to help to my students with any character


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