Gabriel Pino Semedo

Gabriel Pino Semedo


Hi! I'm a Pokémon TCG Trainer 🇧🇷 and I've been playing for more than 10 years! I was the best Brazilian Player in two seasons 2015-2016 in Rankings and Sao Paulo Regional Champion 2018 with a unique Gardevoir EX deck. I'm also a writer at Poké

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Pokémon TCG Coaching Session

Book a Pokémon TCG Coaching Session for every Division or Level. If you are a new player, I will be your teacher, If you are a experienced player, so I will be your coach and prepare you to face the competitive metagame. Criativity and deckbuilding are my best skills, so if you need a different point of view about your list or ideia, book a lesson!

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