



I started in Rocket League through casting tournaments in 2016, pre-RLCS, and coached a few early RLCS teams like Supersonic Avengers and Endpoint. In 2018-2019 I scouted, managed and coached the first Team Vitality roster where in season 7 we became World Champions and Season 8, runner up. After Vitality, in 2020, I formed the first Guild roster. I scouted, managed and coached the team and we went from 7th in Europe to a regional winner through RLCSX. During the 22-23 RLCS, I was on the desk of RLCS as an analyst. Since leaving the desk I have coached behind the scenes and analysed many top teams through my streams and YouTube. Next person I want to coach is you!

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Expert 1 to 1 Coaching Session

- 1 hour of pre-session preparation from Gregan analyzing replays, stats and creating resources. - 1 hour coaching session over a call. - Learning resources created to go away with. - Send through 3 replays (1 heavy loss, 1 close loss, 1 win; needs to be sent over 24hrs before session) - Using the 7 pillars model created by Gregan. Recommended for: Pros/bubble players, aspiring pros, or those looking for a premium coaching session.

1 Session 1 hour
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Coaching Consultancy

- Coaching for coaches. - 1 hour interview to work out processes and make suggestions for improved framework. - Sit in on a typical coaching day and give advice after the day about coaching methods and any knowledge that may help. - 1 hour replay analysis session on team to create ideas for improvement going forward. - Messaging before and after to help you implement structure correctly. - Full coaching day support. Recommended for: Coaches and teams competing in RLCS who are looking for an expert enhancement on their current systems.

1 Session 4 hours
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Expert Replay Analysis

- replay analysis pointing out main areas for improvement in gameplay from an expert point of view. - Send through 1 close loss where you thought you played well but didn't carry for maximum analysis. - Keep replays to 2v2 or 3v3 gamemode only. - Won't include any resources or deeper coaching using 7 pillar model. Recommended for: Those looking for an expert opinion on their gameplay with criticism on bad habits and ideas on what to focus on.

1 Session 1 hour

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