


Hi there! I'm Jonathan, better known online as HarryHook. I was a professional Overwatch player for a while, competing at the highest level since the game's release. I've worked for a few esports organizations, including Team Envyus and Dallas Fuel, and I've won multiple tournaments, including Apex S1 (KOREA) - MLG Vegas. Are you prepared to work with a top-notch coach? 💎This is a list of what I could teach you in one of our sessions💎 *Ultimate management *Cooldown management *Shot calling *Mindset *Mechanical basics *Positioning *Best way to aim *Momentum *How to create space / Pressure *Decision-making This is a list of the many things I could teach you and more. So now… I also make Top1, here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7ZuM5vmtl8

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1:1 (Find out bad habits, How to improve)

I'll teach you how to get better and correct errors in a live session / VOD, or both.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team coaching (Scrim / VOD reviews)

Premium pack, this is perfect for individuals and also teams, the most important thing of Overwatch its the teamplay, here I can show you and your team what to do and not do like a pro

1 Session 4 hours
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Learn with friends it's always more funn

I can coach up to three people for two hours, so if you're willing to learn with friends, I'll be your teacher.

1 Session 2 hours
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Full day training service.

I will be available to you all day long if you have any questions concerning VOD, Analysis, Coaching, etc

2 Sessions 8 hours

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