


Hello there! I'm Hybrid and I currently coach all kinds of players from brand new all the way to professional RLCS top 16 SAM as well as Rank A/X RL6MANS! My coaching style uses many different top coaching methods/techniques that are proven to be the most effective! Not only will I show you the bad, i'll teach you how to make good plays better! Reach out to me via my discord server https://discord.gg/2UytGKhM9k or me directly by messaging Hybrid#1135 . Feel free to research some of my previous results and teams via https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/Hybrid

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Mental Training

No session will ever be the same as i will tailor it for your specific needs in order to efficiently help you achieve your goals.

1 Session 1 hour
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Mechanical Improvement Coaching!

No session will ever be the same as i will tailor it for your specific needs in order to efficiently help you achieve your goals.

1 Session 1 hour
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Live RLCS level Replay Review!

This session will contain a LIVE RLCS level replay review of the gamemode of your chosing where you can ask all the questions you want.

1 Session 1 hour
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Gamesense Improvement Coaching!

No session will ever be the same as i will tailor it for your specific needs in order to efficiently help you achieve your goals.

1 Session 1 hour
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RLCS level Replay Analysis

This is not a live 1 on 1 coaching session. This is an option for a replay analysis. The advantage of this is for those of you with busy schedules that do not line up with my availability.

1 Session 1 hour
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Fastest way to improve! (Save $50)

This is the most price efficent package for gamesense training!

8 Sessions 8 hours

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