



If you have any questions, or want to schedule outside of times I have listed, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: HyperFirez#0001 Hi, I’m HyperFirez. I’ve been playing Rocket League since the end of Season 3 and have around 6k hours of game time. I’ve played many tournaments since Season 4 including ESL and RLRS, and I first hit GC in Season 7 and peaked at top 100 for 3 seasons in a row. I’ve also made top 24 in Season 6 of RLRS. I started coaching in November 2018, and I’m now at over 1k hours of coaching experience. I’ve had students that have shown me almost immediate improvement. While I can’t promise that you’ll see immediate improvement; I can promise you that if you listen to what I tell you and apply it to your gameplay you WILL see improvement. How sessions work: My live 1 on 1 lesson is essentially a custom training plan. You can tell me whatever you know you want to work on, or if you're not sure, I'll be able to find what you need to work on based on your rank and gameplay. Training plans are tailored towards specific categories of mechanics that you know you want to learn. They are also allocated the right amount of time for each section. It is possible to cover sections from the training plans in my 1 on 1 lesson, however we might not have enough time to get to everything. If you'd like to leave a review, you can fill out this Google Form here: https://forms.gle/KJi9p2sbtpdGStny8

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Replay Analysis (PC Players)

Select the number of replays you want to send. You send me replay(s) of your choice (any gamemode). I will then record a video going over the replay(s) with explanations as to what is done right and wrong. After I upload the video, I provide you with a private link so only you can view it at any time. Tip: The best replays are the ones that you barely won/lost. Note: Please don't provide replays that have a longer than 2 min overtime.

1 Session 30 mins
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Replay Analysis (Console Players)

This lesson will allow console players to upload recordings of their replays directly to the site instead of having to upload to YouTube.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Coaching (2s)

This lesson involves coaching 2s teams. We will go over mainly replays, but we can also go into a private match to cover mechanics if needed. The replays will analyze each player and how the team is working as a whole. 2-3 replays per hour is recommended.

1 Session 1 hour
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1 on 1 Live Coaching

This is a 1 on 1 session. There are various ways of going about the session depending on your rank. Those variations range from replay analysis, playing games together, to covering mechanics in a private match. You are also able to tell me exactly what you want to cover if you know. Note: If you order more than 1 hour, the sessions will be split up in multiple 1 hour sessions. 1 hour at a time is done to prevent overwhelming.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Coaching (3s)

This lesson involves coaching 3s teams. We will go over mainly replays, but we can also go into a private match to cover mechanics if needed. The replays will analyze each player and how the team is working as a whole. 2-3 replays per hour is recommended.

1 Session 1 hour
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Ground Mechanics

This training plan will include anything and everything ground mechanics wise. Everything from dribbling, to flicking, to even passing. Recommended for Gold - Platinum players.

1 Session 1 hour
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This training plan covers all of the fundamental mechanics. Recommended for Bronze - Platinum players.

3 Sessions 3 hours
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This training plan covers defense. Defense is an area that most people from all ranks tend to struggle with. Recommended for any rank.

1 Session 1 hour
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This training plan covers rotations, positioning, and mentality. Everything to do with the mental side of the game. Recommended for all levels of players.

3 Sessions 3 hours
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Aerial Mechanics

This training plan goes over everything involving aerial mechanics. Aerials are something that everyone wants to do, but tend to miss the little details that make the difference weather you hit the ball or not. Recommended for Platinum or above players.

3 Sessions 3 hours

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