Deck Doctor (any format)
Magic: The Gathering Online
Going over how to sideboard for the most common matchups, how to fix potential problems in the deck.
I've been playing competitive Magic the Gathering since 2003. In that time frame, I've competed in 22 pro level events, and made Top 8 of 4 Grand Prix (1 win). I take a very analytical approach to the game, and strive to improve everyday by reviewing my own gameplay, and hope to bring this approach to more people looking to get into Magic the Gathering Online, whether it be Modern, Legacy, Vintage, or Draft.
Read MoreDeck Doctor (any format)
Magic: The Gathering Online
Going over how to sideboard for the most common matchups, how to fix potential problems in the deck.
Reviewing a Magic the Gathering match in great detail!
Magic: The Gathering Online
I go over / leave comments on a match for Magic the Gathering Online! There's a discount for multiple match review: 3 matches 10%, 5 matches 15%!
MTGO 1v1 Matchup
Magic: The Gathering Online
Want to test a specific matchup in Legacy/Modern/Pioneer/Vintage? We'll play two pre-sideboard games and four postboard games, then discuss what worked and what didn't.
MTGO Draft Log review
Magic: The Gathering Online
We will go over a draft log of your choice from MTGO, and discuss the final deck construction.
Magic: The Gathering Online
Record your games and I'll watch them with you and go into great detail on interesting decisions/situations.
Learning a Legacy Deck - 4 week plan
Magic: The Gathering Online
I'll take you from beginning to end for learning a legacy deck from the ground up. 8 hours total: Week 1: We'll discuss how to build / construct a deck of your chosen archetype. (2 hours) Week 2: After you've gotten some games with your deck, we'll go over a VOD of your gameplay (usually 5 matches is ideal). (2 hours) Week 3: We'll discuss adjusting your deck for the current metagame and how to sideboard in the most common matchups (2 hours). Week 4: I will play you in a head to head match and breakdown your gameplay in a VOD review afterwards (2 hours).