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Become the lightning: Master Lars

6 Sessions 6 hours $150

With this training plan you will not only improve in your fundamentals but also master the character at the fullest. You will learn how to use the stances, key moves, combo optimisation, setups, mental frames... and more!

Sessions Overview

1v1 mirror ft3

1 hour

Starting with a ft3 to see how you are currently using Lars.

control the match: key moves, mental frames, punishers

1 hour

In this session we are going through the key moves. This will help you to open up players even if your opponent is familiar with the Lars matchup. You will be able to use mental frames and control the game!

optimising combos

1 hour

We will make sure you are doing the perfect combos in order to get your opponent to the wall or on infinite, get the maximum damage out of it.

matchup analyisis

1 hour

Since Lars is an aggressive char it is extremely important to know certain matchups. We will look at some of those matchups by your choice and I will show you how to beat those characters with Lars!

stances + set ups

1 hour

There is always a risk if you play with stances. After this session you will understand how to use them correctly and combine them with set ups that will break your opponents guard!

final ft10

1 hour

One week after the sessions we will play a final ft10 to see how you are able utilize everything we discussed in this training plan. I guarantee you, you will reach the higher levels after this!

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