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Hi, I am Kami I am a grandmaster Jungle/Support main on EUW server & Challenger on EUNE server Currently trying to reach challenger on EUW in soloQ with Kha Zix, Graves, & Karthus jungle. I have coached for 4 years now in soloq and coached more than 500 people between iron and grandmaster elo. Ranks over the seasons S5: Plat 1 as a top lane main S6: Diamond 3 as a jungle main S7: Diamond 1 as a jungle main S8: Master as a jungle main S9: 345 LP Grandmaster as a jungle/support main S10: Challenger 437 LP as jungle main S11: Grandmaster 394 LP as jungle main S12: Challenger 1074 LP as jungle & support player My soloq achievements: https://imgur.com/a/L20qnMf

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