Karan Vadhan

Karan Vadhan


Here are some of my links to tournies/ranked - TheSpike: https://www.thespike.gg/player/karizmah/4497 - VLR: https://www.vlr.gg/player/6405/karizmah - Tracker.gg: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Karizmah%23RAJA/overview Tourney XP: KiD Collective Season Z.E.R.O 2nd place (Karizmah, Magicz, PlasmaSnk, Immigrant, Snaykais) AndBox Spring Valley tourney top 16th (Karizmah, Immigrant, Ironick, r3x, Disrupht) Metathread Monday Tourney 2nd Place (Karizmah, Cola, Raph, PlasmaSnk, Confusion) Team Liquid June w3 7th Place (Karizmah, YoShiii, Trademark, Xyph9r, ToastyUnicorn) Team Liquid June w4 5th Place (Karizmah, YoShiii, Trademark, Xyph9r, Zimmmy) VCS 3-1 in Groups(Karizmah, Sym, Hope, Drakious, StunZ) Gladsworth Qualifier #1 2nd Place (Karizmah, Hope, Ahad, Aebr, VolcaN) VCS # 30 4-1(Karizmah,EccentriK,Tristiiee,Core,Toni) First Strike Qualifies #2 Top 32 and 1 map off of Spotup (Karizmah,mirari,Drakious,SaucetiN,Ezire) VCS# 40 Top 16 with(Karizmah,Shoukr,Frosty,ChurmZz,Assert) Everything else is listen on Spike/VLR Coaching XP: 1337/Ex-Insight. Brought them from rank 90 to rank 35 in the span of 3 months.

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Replay Review (Player)

I will go over your VOD - point out common tendencies that arent good for your gameplay - Give you setups/tips and tricks for the certain character or role you are playing After the vod - give you a routine to help improve yourself over time

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review (Team)

1:1 live session

1 Session 1 hour
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Live VOD Review (Player)

In the Live Vod Review (Player) - I will watch the VOD with you - Go over the fundamentals of being a great team player/individual player - point out common tendencies in your gameplay/playstyle that are holding you back from improving - At the end of the session give yourself a routine to improve your gameplay.

1 Session 1 hour
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Live VOD Review (Team)

with Live VOD Review (Team) - I will watch the VOD with you and your team - Go over the fundamentals of being a great team - point out common tendencies in the team that can be holding it back - At the end of the session give the team a list of improvements and strategies to help push them into the next level

1 Session 1 hour

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