



Hey everyone! My name is Leon. I'm the best Bowser player in North America! I have won numerous tournaments online and offline, as well as across the US and the world. I know a lot about Bowser and his match ups, and have access to plenty of resources for learning about the character and lots of tips for getting better and improving your play. Lets work together!!

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Banjo Training

A half hour of Banjo gameplay! Will include advice and insight for half the time of a normal lesson. Recommended for more casual gamers.

1 Session 30 mins
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Koopa Camp

A half hour of Bowser gaming. I'll provide the same insight as I would for an hour session, but for half the time! Recommended for people who are more casual/less intensive about competition, and just want to pick up a few tips from the best.

1 Session 30 mins
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Replay Review!

I will review a replay of your gameplay and leave tips to help you improve. The price is $10 per match, you can send a replay with multiple matches in it.

1 Session 1 hour
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The Bowser Business™️

I'll play Bowser, we run a bunch of games and I give you tips! I'll provide insight on your habits and how you deal with certain situations (neutral, disadvantage, ledge trapping etc), while also showing off my sick nasty movement. An hour of Bowser gaming, recommended for people looking to try hard and elevate their Bowser knowledge.

1 Session 1 hour
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Escaping Disadvantage

This plan will specifically target how to play disadvantage with Bowser, including how to safely land, escape juggle situations, recovering, and getting off of the ledge.

2 Sessions 1 hour
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Playing with advantage

In this plan, we'll go over how to maximize your advantage state with Bowser, including your combo routes and ledge trapping

2 Sessions 1 hour

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Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.