

Hey Guys! My name is Kevin and CS is my passion for over a decade now. I'm glad you made it here. Let me guide you on your journey to become a better player and more importantly a better teammate! I have been a proplayer in CS since I was 16 years old. I have competed in over 50 LAN tournaments all over the globe and played for several international topteams. I would say my biggest archievement is that my brother is jealous of me. Jk jk. <3 I won my first german championship (5 in total) when I was 18years old and I will never forget it! I played in several major tournaments (5 in total) all the way back in 2014 up to 2017. I was the first German player to reach the playoffs of a major - TWICE - which makes me one of only a handful people in Germany to ever do so. On top of that I was the first German player ever to win a DreamHack Tournament back in 2018 in Sweden with an international team, which makes me really proud till this day! I reached something that I worked really hard on for years, I dedicated my time to something that brings me joy and meaning and I made it - You can do the same! Let's start by making you a better player!

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1on1 - Demo review/analysis (LIVE)

I will analyse your recent game together with YOU via discord. We will analyse what you did good/bad/can improve on. Feel free to ask questions as soon as they come up for an even deeper understanding!

1 Session 1 hour
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Team - Demo review/analysis (LIVE)

I'll help you guys improve as a team with focus on team-based things (macro-cs). Possible things we could work on : How to play as a team (in general)? How to approach CT side on "Map XYZ"? How to play antiecos (general/mapspecific)? What afterplant setups are the strongest? How to play 4vs5 rounds? Basically anything you guys struggle with - as a team! (For demonstration purposes I would either screenshare via discord or we hop on a gameserver as a group.)

1 Session 1 hour
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1on1 - In-depth session - YOUR teamrole (LIVE)

We will have a pre-talk about what your role in your team is. We will talk about how you can have even more impact in your role, aswell as how to view your role in different aspects of the game. -What is it that you feel you are lacking and need improvement on? -Where do you feel unconfident? -Does my role mean that I never have to do certain things? Let me help you! (example. : Your role is AWPing. Lets take mirage as an example and we will go over mapspecific things on how to utilise your role the most, but also general concepts of how to AWP)

1 Session 1 hour
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DUO faceit/MM (evaluation)

We will play a FACEIT or Matchmaking game together. Afterwards I will give you my feedback on what I noticed playing with you. What did I like having you as my teammate? What can you improve on to become an even better teammate? Anything you noticed while playing - lets have a conversation about it!

1 Session 1 hour
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1on1 - In-depth session : YOUR map positions (LIVE)

We will have a pre-talk about what map and position you want to improve on. I will share my knowledge of the current meta and what you should know. Example : You play connector on mirage as CT : -What utility do you need to know? -How can your team help you? -How can you help your team? -What can you expect from your enemy? -How do you react in different scenarios? We will talk about how you can improve and have even more impact in your position!

1 Session 1 hour
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Coaching your way (LIVE)

Let's have an open talk and find out what you need to work on. We schedule our session from there! Examples could be : Mapknowledge, Pistolrounds, Afterplants, general Mindset approaches - but also anything off-topic that could help you improve!

1 Session 1 hour
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Demo review/analysis

I will analyse your recent game and send you my notes via text. I'll provide in-depth analysis of what you did good/wrong/can improve on. NOTE : You can not ask questions here, check my LIVE sessions!

1 Session 1 hour
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Team - Demo review/analysis

I will breakdown a match of your team! I will focus on the TEAM aspect of your game (macro-CS) and share my thoughts with you via TEXT. I will give my thoughts on what is going good and what you should improve on. -Was your setup good? -Did you play good with your teammates and were linking up properly? -Did you use your utility correct? -Needs your IGL to be more harsh & honest? -Are you guys communicating in an efficient way? (NOTE : The quality will be as good as a LIVE session, though you can not follow up on any questions! LIVE sessions are also available - check out my other offers.)

1 Session 1 hour

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