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Hearthstone Grandmaster with years of competitive experience in various strategy and card games. Amongst the top prize money earners from Hearthstone tournaments in 2020/2021. I place in the top 50 legend on ladder too often as well. I have had many hours of experience coaching players in strategy games at all levels of play. My coaching style will help you to help yourself improve in the long run. I believe there is no one size fits all for learning and I aim to provide the style of coaching that best fits your interests, goals, and level of play. I do not advocate spoonfeeding. Our lessons will involve me asking you a lot of things while you in turn ask me a lot of things. The ideal end state is always that you are able to improve yourself even long after our lessons have ended.

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Lamby "GetGud" Series

This lesson focuses on specific deck archtypes that you would want to improve at. I'll break down the goals of the deck along with how to play it in detail (with respect to the current state of the meta as well, where relevant) Lesson will include ladder gameplay along with analysis of the current meta and how you can aim to come out on top with your deck of choice

1 Session 1 hour
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Lamby Brain "Mindset and Habits"

One of the secrets to winning more games of Hearthstone is to know when you can't win. Interested? I'll be teaching you how to teach yourself how to become a better Hearthstone player. This type of lesson is for my students to gain the right mindset and outlook on the game (be it technical or mental) so that they are able to learn and self correct when they meet with adversity, which I believe is most beneficial in the long run. Lessons will be conducted by going through live ladder gameplay where I aim to inculcate the mindset and strategies required to increase your winning percentage, also I will identify most bad habits and misconceptions that you may have.

1 Session 1 hour
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Lamby "Tourney Prep"

Have an upcoming tournament? Be it Masters Tours or open cup qualifiers or 3rd party cash tournaments, this lesson aims to help boost your confidence or identify flaws in your game plan. Lesson will include line-up and meta discussion and also live match gameplay. Recommended if you need a last minute professional second opinion to aid your existing preparations. Not recommended if you have a lot of time left to prepare for your tournament. For a full tournament prep plan, see Training Plans for a more detailed course

1 Session 1 hour
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Lamby Tournament Prep Methodology

This 4 lesson course is literally how I prepare for tournaments. (Masters Tours, open cup qualifiers, Grandmasters, any tournaments actually). I'll be giving you insights on how to focus your mind on what needs to be focused on, and also analysis of the current meta with relevance to the tournament of choice. We will have 1 on 1 practice matches where we tweak your line-up as well as improve your understanding of matchup specific nuances. The key to doing well in tournaments is a lot more simple than you think, this course will benefit anyone looking to see improved tournament results. It is recommended that we start this course at least 1 week before your tournament, so as to have sufficient time to practice what is learnt in our lessons before the tournament commences. Tldr, prepare for your tournament with a pro.

4 Sessions 4 hours

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