Individual skill
Apex Legends
Covering everything individual skill related
Coached PL players, LCQ players, popular streamers and a shittone of CC teams ( as this is consuming most of my coaching schedule through booking) at and to finalist capability. Coached alot of people to GM Voltaic on mnk and coached rollers on pro level and pred level. Approaching coaching from a sports psychology mindset.
Read MoreIndividual skill
Apex Legends
Covering everything individual skill related
Individual coaching ( no comp)
Apex Legends
Individual coaching for ranked and pubs + mechanics ( mnk and roller)
Team coaching for scrimday, vod reviews, dry runs, drills and customs
Apex Legends
Coaching for CC, PLQ or LCQ or just normal comp
raw aim/ mechanics session
Apex Legends
heavy mechanical coaching specifically geared for apex.
2 week training plan team coaching
Apex Legends