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Hello everyone! I'm Lawler, an esports consultant & commentator/analyst that is known for my work in Rocket League. Over the last decade, I've amassed a plethora of knowledge about the esports industry while working with various productions (Formula 1, ESPN, Sportsnet, TBS) over multiple titles. I originally got involved in Rocket League as a high level 1v1 player, hitting top 10 at my peak. The competitive team I played for also reached top 10 in the North American region before I committed full time to commentary. Through my experiences I've been able to witness first hand the ins-and-outs of Rocket League at the highest level, as well as help coach/educate players of all skill levels. Through other jobs (outside of esports) I also managed/coached staff to improve their process and make sure they are working efficiently to achieve their goal. That's where this starts, us defining what your overall goal is and making progress from that point. I love teaching people, and there aren't many things that provide the feeling of receiving a message a few weeks/months later saying a person I've helped has gone up 3-4 ranks all because of the things I taught them. It's rewarding seeing improvement and that person getting to achieve what they put their efforts into. I also do motivational speaking for schools throughout the United States, which has been an absolute blessing. Getting to learn and understand different perspectives that I may not notice myself, as well as being able to understand where some of the younger generation is coming from. If you'd like to see an extensive list of accomplishments, they can be found here:

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