


Hey Everyone! My name is Liam but feel free to call me Leemo. I am 18 years old and have been playing league since Season 5. Over the years I have climbed from bronze to Top 50 Challenger. Recently I've been playing at the top level in both competitive play and soloq. Last year I: Hit challenger for the first time Placed 3rd at Lan ETS Hit rank 1 on Olaf, Trundle, Xin Zhao and Gwen This year I: Spent the majority of the year challenger Hit Rank 1 Graves, Sylas, and Elise Peaked 1300lp/top 50 Subbed for LCS/ACAD Internals for IMT Played in the EG Scouting Ground (Top 4 nonpro in their role in soloq were invited). Played in the IMT Scouting Combine Won NACLOQ1 (Official Tier 3 Tournament) Placed top 4 in NACLOQ 2

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Learn how to jungle like a Challenger

Together we will review one of your games in which I will teach you how to refine your fundamentals and thought process to become like a Challenger player. Jungling is not innately difficult, all you have to do is learn and refine your fundamentals and it will all come easy to you!

1 Session 1 hour
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Learning Early Game

This will be 4 sessions focused on the first 8-10 minutes of the game. Recommended for higher elo players as early game in low elo is much more inconsistent

4 Sessions 4 hours

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