Setting Calibration
Halo Infinite
Find the best settings for you.
Professional Halo player for @BlvkHvnd
Read MoreSetting Calibration
Halo Infinite
Find the best settings for you.
Single VOD Review
Halo Infinite
VOD Review
Custom games
Halo Infinite
Load into customs together speaking about the advantages you can give yourself.
Team VOD Review
Halo Infinite
Coach your team
Halo Infinite
I can jump into a team scrim and act as coach and give notes after session has finished.
Halo Infinite
Matchmaking Habits
Halo Infinite
Play together in Matchmaking find some good and bad habits, try inprove on them.
Halo Infinite
Play together in MM, try force some good habits into your gameplay.
Coaching and VOD reviews
Halo Infinite
I will coach your team and then go over theatre together.
Lessons you can take from Matchmaking
Halo Infinite
This training plan is designed to flow from one lesson to another and maximise the amount gained with consecutive lessons over a period of 5 days. dates chosen by you
playing then vod review
Halo Infinite