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I am a successful Rocket League professional currently competing in the Top 4 of OCE RLCS. At one point, I had also subbed for the KCP when they were at the major and competing as easily the No.1 team in RLCS regionals. I have gained up a lot of knowledge by competing in the professional scene for over 3+ years now. Sitting at SSL in all three gamemodes is my expertise and my aim is to build the best version of yourself, through mechanics, mental approaches and figuring out rotational positions, I've got it all covered. Finding your inconsistencies and directing you through to a playstyle that suits you best, ranks you up and gets you to the goals and dreams you've had is my MAIN goal.

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Replay anaylsis

Do you want clear, genuine advice and expert replay analysis! You'll have a clear route to improvement after having your replays analysed with notes and comments on your errors! I'll provide two-three training packs designed to help you follow through as well.

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review and Mechanic/Rotation Practice

Analyse a replay, find weaknesses and points of improvements to work on for short and long-term growth and progress to focusing on simple mechanics in Freeplay and some ranked to end with to work around your teammates.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Play with a PRO

We will play ranked, 1v1s against each other and work on training, comms and mechanical tips to push you to the next level. pro level comms, mechanics, decision making, positioning/rotations.

1 Session 1 hour
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Want your team to be pushing and maximising their mechanics? Are your teammates good individually but cannot work together well? Well, this is the right place to come if you want to push your team with maximising POSITIONING/ROTATIONS, COMMUNICATIONS, MECHANICS, AND HOW TO WORK IN A TEAM SCENARIO. We will go over a replay, find weaknesses and points of interests which can help benefit the team, and also compare to a playstyle that will suit your teams' dynamic.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Coaching PLANS

Want to push your team to the next level? I offer team coaching for a monthly schedule to get your team on the right path and be able to adapt a consistent dynamic playstyle to suit your teams' individual mechanical and rotational prowess. We will work together doing 1 REPLAY REVIEW a week and grabbing in-depth detailed notes and providing custom training packs to work on weekly for a 4 week schedule. Build on rotations, comms, and mechanics to push your team to the next level and find a playstyle that suits everyone. I will be on standby 24/7 and open to being in a discord group chat, so with any questions with gameplay or comms, always free to ask and can answer ASAP.

2 Sessions 2 hours
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Replays + Notes

In this training plan, I analyse your replays once a week and will send you detailed notes to work on, you are always free to DM me with questions about certain notes and how you can maximise the notes to your benefits, but after every week, ill send through more and more in-depth notes to push you to the next level. This is a monthly course with 4 replays, one per week.

2 Sessions 2 hours
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Breakdown of different techniques and resources that will help push you to the next level. We will be working on a monthly schedule looking at meeting up once a week to revise tactics, see what is working and what is not and going again. This will involve an updated graphic designed for you that you can keep beside you updated each week while you are playing. Updated notes, replay reviews and freeplay tips to help push you in solo queuing to the top of the ranks in Rocket League! I will help with mentality in 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 high pressure situtations and how to collectively work with a "BAD" teammate to win.

2 Sessions 2 hours

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