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Hi everyone, my name is Lyte but feel free to call me Parker. I have been playing Overwatch for 5 years and I am eager to help you guys become the best players I know you can be. I do team and or individual coaching for all roles. My achievements: 4650 peak 3x Top 3 Contenders NA 4x Contenders placement Open division champion Collegiate National Champion 2x Top 3 Collegiate National Champion My goal is to ensure that you guys become the best players I know you can be. You can expect engaging and in-depth 1 on 1 coaching when booking with me.

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Team Reviews

I'll Vod review a scrim/tournament with you and your team

1 Session 1 hour
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Solo Vod Review

Send me a VOD (recording) of your gameplay and we will review together 1 on 1. The best VODs to send are close losses in so far as the game was competitive and you felt like you would have won if you played better.

1 Session 1 hour
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Fundamentals - Positioning

Good positioning is what enables you to have an impact without dying. Play to passive and you will have little effect on the outcome of the game. Play to aggressive and you will deal a lot of damage but will die frequently. Good positioning is about finding the balance between both to maximize your uptime. If you feel as if you have low impact on your games or die too frequently then this course is for you.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Fundamentals - Gamesense

Game sense is all about how smart you are in the game. Being able to accurately track ults, enemy cooldowns, and predicting enemy plays are all a part of what makes up game sense and a smart player. If you feel like you struggle against specific heroes/comps or you frequently find yourself unsure of what to do in given situations then this course is for you.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Fundamentals - Mechanics

Good mechanics simply put, means you hit your shots. It is about being able to execute to the closest possible potential of your hero through not just aim, but good movement as well. There are many concepts that good players utilize to make their mechanics better than everyone else's. In this course, I will share those secrets with you and we will take your mechanics to the next level. If you want better aim or movement this course is for you.

1 Session 2 hours
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Fundamentals - Mentality

A strong mentality is one that is hungry for improvement. It is about being as focused as possible on yourself and what you can do to impact and win the game. Players with good mentalities are not toxic and are constantly improving. If you feel as if you are hard stuck, tilt-prone, or toxic, then this is the course for you.

1 Session 1 hour
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Ultimate Genji Guide

This guide will cover everything and anything that has to do with Genji. We will cover matchups, flank routes, blade timings as well as a few tips and tricks to help you get the upper hand on your opponents. This training plan is catered to all players

6 Sessions 6 hours

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