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Path to PRO!

5 Sessions 5 hours $100

Take a 5 part course with regular check-ins to quickly: 1. Diagnose your weaknesses, and enhance your strengths as a player 2. Improve game knowledge and macro for heroes and roles OTHER than your own 3. Give tips and direction on how to improve mechanics, and hero specific skills 4. Learn how to navigate the ranked environment from a top 500 player

Sessions Overview

Lesson 1: Baseline (VOD)

1 hour

This lesson is meant to give you a comprehensive guideline on how to play your role, and heroes most effectively in the ranked environment. We will cover all the fundamentals, and begin to formulate a personalized plan just for you!

Lesson 2: Checkup (Live game)

1 hour

This lesson will be for ensuring we are on the right track for improvement. I will watch you play a game live and give gentle reminders on the things we mentioned on improving. Repetition is the key to success, and allowing yourself to be directed in game can prove to be a very potent tool for some students who struggle implementing knowledge into their actual gameplay!

Lesson 3: Re-evaluation (VOD)

1 hour

We will look over a game you have played recently and assess where we are at now. This lesson will mostly be directed by you! I want you to self-analyze, all while receiving gentle direction from me.

Lesson 4: Expanding our knowledge (VOD)

1 hour

This session is where we really hit it home! Following the same format as lesson one, we will re-visit the drawing board and delve into strategies for your heroes! This will be the last major "lesson" before you are on your own.

Lesson 5: Finale (Live game & discussion)

1 hour

You will stream a ranked game for me and attempt to showcase everything we have covered. The goal is that we have done away with autopilot, and your gameplay is methodical and well thought out. After your game, we will have a meeting to discuss your future in Overwatch. Do you have goals to get into pro-play? Do you want to reach top 500? Perhaps learning a new role or hero is the direction you want to go in!

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