


I am Makenshi, a Marth main from Paris, France. I have played melee competitively for eighteen years. I started playing Melee in July 2004 as a Link main. The switch to Marth happened in 2005, and from then on I was considered as a top European player until 2010. From 2010 to 2014 I took a hiatus from the game, but returned in 2015 and since then I have been one of the best players in France and Europe. How? How was I able to be at the top for that long? In different eras? The answer is easy: fundamentals. With strong ‘fundamentals’, you will have a much broader vision of the game. Fundamentals are the key to improvement and making you an even better player. They are the key to understanding how to analyze a match. Fundamentals are universal, regardless of the character you play. They are the limit wall between a higher player, and a top player. Let's break that wall together! —-----------------------

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Match Analysis

Before analyses, We will play 3 games. I need to know where to direct you before analysis. Take your hand, explain to you the things you can or know how to do. Because don't forget, Don't try to play or understand like a big boy if you are not, you will miss a lot of things :)

1 Session 1 hour
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1H Coaching

We will play three games before the official coaching starts. It will allow myself to evaluate you, what your weaknesses and strengths are, and allow me to personalise my coaching to your needs for the full hour of coaching.

1 Session 1 hour
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Exercise Techskill with Intensity

At the start of the lesson, we will play three matches together, so that I can analyze your tech skill. Then, for the rest of the session, I will create a program of exercises and practice. This will take an hour and increase your tech skill level. Ps: warm up your hands before hand!! :p

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Marth: from zero to hero

6 intensive lessons that will give the tools to become a very good Marth main. We will play 3 matches before each lesson. Then, I will use this to personalise what you need for each lessons on; neutral, corner game, edge guarding, recovery and punish game. We will work on all this together and make your game style more clean.

6 Sessions 6 hours

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