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Ultimate Training Plan: Road To Top 500

28 Sessions 28 hours $1000

This is my love letter to the community, and my thanks for the opportunities I've had throughout my career: a 2-month long training plan covering fundamentals, deep analysis, developing your transferrable skills, physical health, accuracy, tracking, flick shots, prefiring, head vs body shots, crosshair placement, sniping, prediction, ability usage, high-ground priority, cover, off angles, ultimate tracking, matchups, counterplay, objective control, spawn advantage, trading kills, staggering, Tank fundamentals, DPS fundamentals, Support fundamentals, and more. This is the most comprehensive package you'll find on this website. I've been working in this field for many years, and have accrued a reputation that speaks for itself. I've helped players who've struggled to find the way to attain the highest rank in Overwatch, while being stuck in the pits of the lowest brackets. This package is my love letter to the community, offering proof-of-concept training regimens, coaching techniques, and a careful selection of the best possible analytical lessons that can be offered. In this training plan, we will be covering every fundamental there is, training up your transferrable skills, and transforming you into a master of all Heroes in Overwatch. I've got an excellent track record of assisting not only pro players, but those who are neurodiverse, or playing just casually, reach heights they couldn't have imagined. Truly, this is the only way I can say thank you to this community for the opportunities I've had over the years, and I hope that by the time you finish this lengthy training plan, you can see for yourself that coaching really gets the job done. Thank you for reading.

Sessions Overview

Aiming: The Basics

1 hour

In these 30 minutes, you will learn the basics of what it takes to hit your shots, no matter how bad your accuracy might be. No, really. I've helped Bronze players reach Top 500 before, this is the real deal!

Aiming: Advanced

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will move on from the basics and cover more advanced topics of what it takes to hit your shots. This is when things get serious!

Aiming: Tracking

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover tracking so we can put what you've learned from the basics and advanced subjects to work.

Aiming: Flick Shots

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover flick shots, so you can learn how the best players in the world are able to hit the nastiest headshots as Cassidy McCree, Ashe, and Widowmaker.

2 Hour Crash Course - Analysis

1 hour

A comprehensive and deep analysis of your gameplay, played Live, with Discord communication with me. In this 2 hour crash course, we will determine what makes you unique as a player compared to the millions of other players playing the game. Over these 2 hours, we will discover your biggest challenges which will allow me to prepare you for the path ahead.

Aiming: Prefiring

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover prefiring, what it is, and when you should utilize it.

Aiming: Head vs Body Shots

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover headshots vs body shots, and why it's so important. This will cover the nuances of what you've previously learned and give you a good understanding of why it's better to aim for the body, or the head, depending on a given situation.

Aiming: Sniping

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover sniping; what it takes to have a steady hand, time your shots, and making use of what you've learned from crosshair placement. This is when you'll learn why pro players manage to get so many picks as Widowmaker.

Movement: Predicting Enemy Movements

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover movement, but more specifically we'll cover how you can predict how enemy players will move. This will cover how maps flow, and help you understand where you should be at a given time.

Aiming: Crosshair Placement

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover crosshair placement, why it's important, and how it applies to almost every Hero in Overwatch - especially snipers.

2 Hour Crash Course - Live Gameplay

1 hour

In this 2 hour crash course, we will be putting everything you've learned so far about aim to use. In this course, we will put everything so far to use in live games. I will be there by your side in a Discord call, watching and providing feedback as the games go on!

Game Sense: Ultimate Tracking

1 hour

In this 1 hour segment, we will cover ultimate tracking, securing the next part of your journey in this training plan. Ultimate tracking, at its core, is one of the most important things to learn in Overwatch. Given that almost every Hero has a game-changing ultimate ability, it becomes crucial that we understand how we can successfully track only the most important ultimates that WE can deal with as the Hero we're playing.

Game Sense: Objective Control

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover objective control. Objective control is crucial, since without it, you would lose all of your matches! In this section, we'll cover what you should do to mitigate risk and to maintain your advantage!

Game Sense: Spawn Advantage

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover spawn advantage, and how it can help you carry more difficult matches.

Movement: Ability Usage

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover abilities that provide you mobility to either get you into a fight, or out of danger as quickly as possible. This subject will show you when you should choose to use these abilities and when you shouldn't.

Positioning: Cover

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover positioning behind cover, why it's important, and when to do it.

Positioning: High-Ground

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover positioning on the high-ground. You'll learn how you should position yourself there, why high-ground is important, game modes, and map flow.

2 Hour Crash Course - Live Gameplay

1 hour

In this 2 hour crash course, we will be putting everything you've learned so far about movement and positioning to use. Also, you will be assessed on whether you're remembering what you've learned previously as well, making sure that you're keeping up!

Positioning: Off Angles

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover positioning for off angles, giving you the edge and turning the tides of a fight that looks doomed. This is a surefire way to help you carry even the worst teams in lower brackets. By this point in the training plan, you'll have learned enough to prepare you to carry matches as high as low-mid Platinum effortlessly.

Game Sense: Matchups & Counterplay

1 hour

In this 1 hour segment, we will cover matchups and counterplay. Here you'll learn how all of the Heroes in the game are balanced around their abilities, what their weaknesses are, and when you should or shouldn't play a certain matchup. This section will include mindmaps, as well as a comprehensive look at how there's very few real hard counters in the game, and why you should stop listening to misinformation online.

Game Sense: Trading Kills

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover trading kills and why it can sometimes be beneficial to trade kills in order to gain an upper hand over the enemy team.

2 Hour Crash Course - Live Gameplay

1 hour

In this 2 hour crash course, we will be putting everything you've learned so far about the various skills you've accrued to develop your game sense. While watching you live, I will be providing advice, and analyzing your gameplay for anything you might be forgetting from previous segments in the training plan to keep you on track!

DPS Role: Fundamentals

1 hour

In this 3 hour segment, we will cover all of the fundamentals that you need as a DPS to help you carry, get picks, and help secure objectives for your team! These skills would include: ability usage, DPS-related Heroes, compositions, your role in communication, matchups, focus, and more.

Game Sense: Staggering

1 hour

In this 30 minute segment, we will cover staggering, what it means, and why dying alone can be detrimental for the team. In this segment, you will learn why jumping off of the map can help end a stagger, and when or when not to do it, given certain situations.

Tank Role: Fundamentals

1 hour

In this 3 hour segment, we will cover all of the fundamentals that you need as a tank to help you carry, protect your team, and front line effectively! These skills would include: creating space, ability usage, tank-related Heroes, compositions, your role in communication, matchups, and more.

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