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Complete Gameplay Analysis

Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
1 Session 2 hours $25

A Discussion + A Live Game + A VOD Review This structured format I developed is a culmination of my coaching experience I recognize to be the most effective form of improving and as a competitive player the one with the most value. It combines 3 of the most proven learning techniques allowing us to benefit from all of their advantages while covering any flaws an individual method would normally have. This is especially practical for first time students who may not be sure yet how they learn most effectively and which method suits them best; giving them not just next steps in TFT improvement but where to go in term of coaching. Outline: The live discussion will provide a Challenger's framework to navigate the game as well time for any questions. During the live game I get to see how you think and make certain descions. I will answer any questions and give advice during the game but any backseating is entirely up to the students preference. We will record the live game and break down the footage afterwards in the VOD review. Here we analyize in-depth, pinpoint mistakes, figure out what we should be thinking about at various points and reaffirm correct decisions At the end we can go over any remaining questions and our next steps towards improvement. ~

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