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Pure Fundamentals - [40% OFF]

Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
11 Sessions 11 hours $129

Tempo, Itemization, Board Strength and Positioning are the vital fundamentals for a strong and consistent climb. Sets and Patches come and go but the best players always remain the same. Mastering the key aspects of TFT will make your decisions intuitive and ranked games effortless. With this training plan we will go over each of the core concepts in detail in a variety of ways such as Live Games, VOD Reviews, teachings, and breakdowns to ensure we are on our way to mastering these skills. We will also learn techniques and tips do help accelerate our growth as well as methods to ensure that these skills we learn only improve with time carry over from set to set.

Sessions Overview

Understanding Real Fundamentals

1 hour

After assessing we cover the topic of Fundamentals in general and the importance of each one and how they affect another.

Evaluating your Current Understanding

1 hour

Let's assess your current understanding through a Live Game or VOD Review and follow it up with post game analysis and discussion.


1 hour

- Learn the the basics of positioning - Learn advanced and set specific positioning - Gain techs for various compositions & counters - Understand situational and niche positioning - How to scout properly - What to look for when scouting - Includes a choice of Live Game or VOD review.


1 hour

- How slamming items works, whats a good/bad slam - How items affect what comps you should play - What items are strong in the meta currently and how items will perform in future patches and sets - How to itemize properly and efficiently in the early and mid game - What you should be thinking of on carousel - Includes a choice of Live Game or VOD review.

Board Strength

1 hour

- How to recognize a strong board - Exactly when you need to roll - What you need to be looking for on your rolldown in any spot - Why you're not playing your strongest board every round and losing fights - Includes a choice of Live Game or VOD review.

Reviewing Itemization

1 hour


1 hour

- Discover exactly what "Tempo" means - I can guarantee you 99% of players do not - How to convert a strong opener into a high placement - Learn to play from behind (bad opener, openfort) - How to gain tempo and how you can lose it - When it's worth it to push tempo - Includes a choice of Live Game or VOD review.

Reviewing Positioning

1 hour

Reviewing Tempo

1 hour

Reviewing Board Strength

1 hour

Final Overview

1 hour

At the end of our last session we want to review all that we have learned. Perfecting ones fundamentals is not a journey that can happen overnight but being set up to do so can. I am always free for more questions, discussion and resource even after our training plans ends and can be reached out to through Metafy or Discord!

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