


I've been competing in Super Smash Bros tournaments for 10 years beginning in Brawl. I've stuck with my main of Olimar through 3 titles so far andhave acquired quite a strong understanding of him and the games he's in. With wins on players like Marss, Zackray, Light, Shuton, and many more I can guarantee I can help you improve as well. I focus on interaction based coaching to help break down why certain scenarios go the way to do and how to recognize them better for next time. My primary focus is of course Olimar who I main, but I coach players of all characters and skills. Being able to recognize the situations and break them down in game is a useful strategy anyone can implement.

1:1 live session

1 hour


About Me

Live 1:1 sessions are calls with the expert during which they share their wisdom with you as you play.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

6 lessons
Want to test your skill vs a pro and see how it goes? This first to 5 is a easy way to gauge where you're at currently. I also provide commentary during/after the set in a discord call to give some immediate pointers.


$15.00 USD