



Writer of one of the most read Melee blogs ( Doubles fanatic with impressive results, as well as decent singles showings. Lifelong gamer who's excelled at WarCraft 3, DOTA, and most recently, Melee. A professional educator who's known for articulating concepts in accessible ways.

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Free Consultation

Talk to me about what I can give you in my coaching and what you'll get out of it. Here are my following suggestions for things we can cover: 1) Microsituational optimization 2) Matchup gameplans and constructing gameplans 3) Training routines for optimal practice 4) Learning the PvP game, i.e. how to read and bait your opponent 5) Mentality coaching. JUNEBUG said I should do this!

1 Session 30 mins
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1 hour session for non-recurring students

In this hour, we'll discuss what you feel you struggle with and play friendlies. I'll give conceptual analysis as well as feedback for optimizing important situations. We'll close out the hour with a BO5 where I try to analyze your play and leave you with the most important takeaway ideas. I believe 2 hours is the ideal amount of time for someone who is not necessarily intending to be a recurring student. In 2 hours, we'll start with a focused BO5, followed by unpacking it. Then we'll play about an hour of friendlies as I try to reiterate the concepts that I noticed in the set as well as pointing out situations that could use optimization. To close out the 2 hours, we'll play another BO5, where I'll analyze your gameplay and leave you with the most important take away ideas, noting which areas are your strengths and which weaknesses need the most polishing. If we do not have a good netplay connection, we can have you play other opponents while I watch and coach you. Match analysis is another good option if this is the case.

1 Session 1 hour
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BO5 Match Analysis

We'll watch a B05 that you've played, or any 5 games, and delve deeply into the interactions, with macro and micro level analysis, but more on the micro side. If you are not available to do this live, feel free to send me a set and I will annotate the entire thing. Analysis for BO5s can vary in length, but we'll aim for about an hour of coaching and cut it off at latest around 75 minutes.

1 Session 1 hour
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BO3 Match Analysis

We will watch a BO3 together and pick apart every interaction. This should take about 45 minutes. If you don't want to do it live, you can send me the VODs and I will happily annotate the whole set.

1 Session 30 mins
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Four one hour sessions over four weeks

Four Part Lesson plan, where we will identify your strengths and weaknesses, discuss gameplans and character fundamentals, optimize a practice routine, study your VODs, and then apply some fundamental concepts of fighting games

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Standard 2 Hour Lesson

I believe 2 hours is the ideal amount of time for someone who is not necessarily intending to be a recurring student. That said, if you feel that we've reached a point of saturation or diminishing returns, we can split it into two separate lessons. In 2 hours, we'll start with a focused BO5, followed by unpacking it. Then we'll play about an hour of friendlies as I try to reiterate the concepts that I noticed in the set as well as pointing out situations that could use optimization. To close out the 2 hours, we'll play another BO5, where I'll analyze your gameplay and leave you with the most important take away ideas, noting which areas are your strengths and which weaknesses need the most polishing. Alternative training ideas are possible, where we can construct a more rigid gameplan, optimize practice routine, learn PvP fighting game fundamentals, or improve your mentality.

2 Sessions 2 hours

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